• 72 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 31 Files

  • Join the Facebook Group

  • Your Content Club Call Schedule

  • Recommended Tools

  • What To Expect

  • AI BRAND VOICE Step 1: Finding Your "Weird" AKA - The Quesadilla of Awesome

  • AI BRAND VOICE Step 2: Knowing Your Ideal Client

  • AI BRAND VOICE Step 3: Company Details

  • AI BRAND VOICE Step 4: AI Authority Brand Messaging System

  • Optimizing Your Profile Across All Platforms

  • Tree Of Beliefs (The secret to content that converts)

  • Social Schedule Sales Tracker

  • Social Schedule Sheet (Social and Email)

  • Create A Month of Content with the Super Prompt! (Takes about 30 minutes)

  • Batch Creating One Liners, Quotes, and Barnum Statements

  • Batch Creating 60 Graphics in Under 5 Mintues

  • Batch Creating Questions to Get Your Ideal Clients to Raise Their Hands

  • Batch Creating Short Videos

  • Batch Creating Long Videos and Blog Posts

  • Creating Your Long Form Content After the Super Prompt

  • Long Form Video Repurposing Free Tools

  • Long Form Video Repurposing Paid Tools

  • Long Form Repurposing to Written and Graphics

  • Long Form to Short Form Videos

  • 2024 Content Compass 366 Post ideas

  • Viral Hooks

  • Social Engagement CTAs

  • Quick Tips For Writing Content That Converts with Jasper

  • Writing Video Show Notes

  • 1 Page Sale Page

  • AI Video Tools Fast Easy and Fun!

  • AI Offer Creation Workshop - July 8, 2023

  • Creating Your Own AI App Workshop - August 26, 2023

  • Creating Your Own Unique AI Tool Workshop - September 23, 2023

  • AI FB Group Funnel 6/2023

  • AI Lead Funnel 5/2023

  • Duplicate Yourself With an AI Podcast (audio and video) - 11/ 2023

  • Facebook Group Workshop - March 9, 2024

  • Streaming With Third-Party Tools After April 22, 2024

  • MollStars Marketing

  • Strategic Influence with Michael Bernoff - April 4, 2024

  • AI Reels Workshop Part 1: Creating Statements, Creating in Canva - April 6, 2024

  • AI Reels Workshop - Part 2: Implementation

  • Account Hacked: Nightmare turned GIFT - June 20, 2024

  • 1/2024 - Custom GPTs

  • What's New in 2024 (1/2024)

  • 2/2024 - Facebook Groups

  • 3/2024 - Faceless Reels

  • 4/2024 - Foundations

  • 5/2024 - Streaming to Groups & Content

  • 6/2024 - Creating & Scheduling July's Content

  • 7/2024 - New Custom GPTs